1.1 Conduct
a) You must obey all lawful instructions given to you by Management, and must at all times work to the required standards of service, politeness, quality etc.
b) You must behave yourself on Edge Events & Promotions premises, and any premises you will be working on. You must at all times respect your fellow workers and Management, and our customers and suppliers.
1.2 Diligence and Loyalty
The employee must at all times perform his/her work properly, diligently and to the best of his/her ability. The employee must be loyal to Edge Events & Promotions and conform to such policies, rules and regulations, which Edge Events & Promotions may prescribe from time to time.
1.3 Confidentiality
You must keep your work confidential and not discuss Edge Events & Promotions with any non-employees of Edge Events & Promotions.
1.4 Alcohol and Drugs
Management will not permit you to enter or remain on Edge Events & Promotions premises or sites where you are working, and you must leave the premises if you are instructed to do so, if you are found to be in possession of unauthorized alcoholic liquor or drugs, or if Management believes that you are under the influence of liquor or drugs. Severe disciplinary action will be taken.
1.5 Conduct during Working Hours
a) During working hours you are not permitted to chat to personal visitors, make personal telephone or cell phone calls, or read magazines, newspapers, or leave work for personal reasons, etc., unless you have received the prior permission of the Management of Edge Events & Promotions.
b) The use of private cell phones during business hours is prohibited. Any calls may only be made, or received, before or after your shift, or during your meal break, unless prior permission is obtained from Management.
1.6 Private Business
a) You may not be interested in, or participate in any business or Company that competes or is calculated to compete with Edge Events & Promotions.
2.1 Working Hours
2.1.1 You must make sure to arrive 30 minutes prior to any promotion to set up and do security checks.
Edge Events & Promotions (PTY) LTD Donnalee Gerber 066 388 9888
Reg. No. 2017/419710/07 Cindy Oberholzer 083 797 4565
2.1.2 You will work the designated hours and will not leave before such time unless instructed by Edge Events & Promotions Management.
2.2 Unauthorized Absence from Work/Desertion
Any unauthorized absence from work and/or bad time keeping will not be tolerated. All employees must obtain permission from their manager before leaving the place of work during working hours, or before staying away from work.
2.3 Clocking/ Signing in Procedure
2.3.1 You will be paid your salary only according to the time shown on the register.
2.3.2 When you arrive at work in the morning you must report to the manager of the store in which you are working. Introduce yourself and explain to the manager that you are booked for a promotion for Edge Events & Promotions and tell them what product you will be promoting.
2.3.3 No alterations to time worked will be accepted unless authorized by your manager.
2.3.4 I f you are absent from duty due to illness or any other reason, you must contact or inform your manager 24 hours prior to your promotion.
2.3.5 Changing clothes, makeup, etc., must be done before starting your shift, or after completing your shift, and not during working hours.
2.3.6 If a personal emergency occurs during working hours you must always report to the manager to request permission to leave, before you may leave your work station.
2.3. If you sign another employee in or out, it will be treated as fraud and may be dismissed as it is a dismissible offense.
3.1 Personal Particulars
It is condition of our employment that you must submit two certified copies of your ID and a copy of your Driver’s License. You must also provide full details of your home address telephone number and should any of your details change; you must immediately inform Management of the changes.
3.2 Pay Procedure
All employees are paid by bank deposit each month by the 5th day of the month. Edge Events & Promotions will not be held responsible for payments not being reflected and or cleared on date of payment.
4.1 Unauthorized Possession or Removal of Edge Events & Promotions, a Customer’s, or another Employee’s Property or Possession
You may not move or have in your possession, any item of Edge Events & Promotions, a client’s, or another employee’s personal property, goods or possessions unless specifically authorized by Edge Events & Promotions, the client, or the individual concerned. Dependent upon circumstances, criminal prosecution may be considered in addition to severe disciplinary action.
4.2 Gross Dishonesty/Theft
7.2.1 Gross Dishonesty/Theft is regarded in an extremely serious light. Management reserves the right to prosecute offenders in a Criminal Court should they be found guilty of any unlawful, or
Edge Events & Promotions (PTY) LTD Donnalee Gerber 066 388 9888
Reg. No. 2017/419710/07 Cindy Oberholzer 083 797 4565
unauthorized removal, possession, or theft of property that belongs to Edge Events & Promotions, another employee or a customer.
4.3 Personal Effects
Edge Events & Promotions cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to your personal effects. When you leave them on the premises, you do so entirely at your own risk. Edge Events & Promotions does not take responsibility for any personal vehicles used to get to and from promotions; you do so entirely at your own risk.
4.4 Searching
4.4.1 It is a condition of employment, that you may be searched upon entering or leaving Edge Events & Promotions offices or premises. This rule extends also to customers premises.
4.4.2 You may not introduce or have in your personal possession on the premises any unauthorized weapons, drugs, or liquor, without prior management approval or permission. Should you break this rule you may be disciplined and criminally prosecuted.
4.5 Patrol Officers/ Security Guards
For your safety, you must comply with all lawful requests given to you by any Security Guard or Patrol Officers. This includes the rights to a lawful search of your possessions.
5. Other
5.1 Safety and Hygiene
You may not smoke or drink during any promotion.
5.2 Meetings
All meeting rules and times must be adhere to at all times
5.3 Management Prerogative
Management reserves the right to change or amend the policies, rules and regulations of Edge Events & Promotions from time to time to suit the changing needs of the business and relevant legislation in South Africa. Employees shall be consulted fully in such event.
6. Promotional Rules
6.1 Collection for promotion kits for a weekend will be on a Thursday before 16h30. All kits, clothing and report sheets should be returned by 10:00 am on Monday. No payments will be made if you have outstanding promotional kits and clothing
6.2 No drinking or smoking during a promotion. After a promotion, promotional clothing is to be removed before going out in public.
7. Uniforms
- Uniforms must be worn as supplied and no alterations or accessories are to be added unless authorized by Edge Events & Promotions.
- All female promoters must wear make-up at all times and hair must be neat and tidy.
- Male promoters must be clean shaven with neat hair.
- All female promoters must own a pair of smart black pants or tights, black heals and flat black shoes as a basic part of uniform.
- Guys are to own smart black shoes or clean black sneakers as well as smart black pants and neat jeans without holes in them.
You must report to Management of the outlet before and after your promotion.
At the end of the promotion you are to be signed out on the report sheet by the outlet management.
You will not be paid if your report sheets are incomplete, so make sure they are filled in 100%