Feedback Form Promotion Event Feedback Outlet Name:* Promotion* Name of Team Leader and Promoter/s* Brand to be activated Your name Your Email* Type of Promotion*Select valueGive awayTastingPriceSpecialCompPrize GivingWelcome DrinksSelling ShootersOther What did the consumers have to say about the product?* Does the consumer think the price of the product is satisfactory & would they purchase for that price?* Number of consumers in outlet:*Select value0-2526-5051-100101-150151-200201-300Plus 300 Competitor Activity:*Select valueYesNo What was the general consumer response to the promotion?* General overview of the promotion: Any learnings/opportunities, good or bad, what worked and what didn't?* What was the main competitor product:* How many people took part in the promotion:* Manager aware of the promotion:*Select valueYesNo POS/Display present in Outlet:*Select valueYesNoWhat was the ratio between male and female: Male % Female % Date Time Started Time out Common question the public wanted more information about Contact person at outlet* Product and Price Feedback*Upload 5 images from event stand and promotionOnly jpg and png images allowed with maximum size of 3mb Upload picture 1 (jpg or png) Upload picture 2 (jpg or png) Upload picture 3 (jpg or png) Upload picture 4 (jpg or png) Upload picture 5 (jpg or png) reCAPTCHASubmitReset