Fibre Feedback Area Name: Street Address Street Address City Province Postal Code Name of Team Leader and Promoters Type of Promotion Your Email* Does the consumer think the price of the fibre is satisfactory & would they sign up for it? What was the general consumer response to the promotion? General overview of the promotion: Any learnings/opportunities, good or bad, what worked and what didn't Estimate number of consumers approached Competitor Activity What was the main competitor product Male % Female % Date Time Started Time out Do you have internet at your home - If yes who is your supplier Have you ever heard of Afrihost?YesNo Who do you think is the best ISP and why? Common questions/information the public wanted to know about AFRIHOST Upload picture 1 (jpg or png) Upload picture 2 (jpg or png) Upload picture 3 (jpg or png) Upload picture 4 (jpg or png) Upload picture 5 (jpg or png) reCAPTCHASubmitReset